This Website was started on the 14th of September 2018.
Update : 10th of December, 2018 In a Newcastle Court, Justice Roy Ellis has boldly decided that victims are always lying or very confused, and has acquitted Arch- Bishop Wilson of failing to pass on the reports that were allegedly passed to him . Meanwhile, there have been moves to deny former Governor-General, Peter Hollingworth, his entitlements as a retired G-G, because he, too, as an Arch- Bishop of the Anglican Church, very much like Philip Wilson of the Catholic Church, was not able to initiate action to prevent child-abuse in Anglican schools. The true culprits of the unstoppable abuse of children, are now, and always have been, the Judges of the Supreme Courts of Australia. As long as the cases are nearly always thrown out of Court (sometimes very swiftly and sometimes drawn out, like Archbishop Wilson's case) it reinforces the fact that it is impossible to report abuse to the Australian authorities responsible for the safety of children, because the Corrupt Establishment controls the Legal System, and will not forgo its privileges with the victims. Neither Bishop nor layman can change this.